Smartphone Culture

Posted on March 8, 2016

There is no doubt about it, we live in a smartphone culture! Everyone you see now is carrying around that little sidekick that has most of their lives information stored upon it. How, as a small business, do you capitalize on the fact that just about everyone is simply seconds away from their phone at all times? We have some ideas for you that will get your name out there in a way that your audience cannot miss.

Tampa Bay Online Marketing

Mobile messaging is one of the lowest cost types of advertising that allows you to be showcased directly into the palm of your customer’s hand. This technique assures that you will be seen and read, and has a very high return rate. The user opts into the mobile messaging platform by providing you with their phone number and confirming that they have allowed you access to text, email, or call them. Once they opt in, they immediately get a text back from you, where you are thanking them for joining your club.

From there, your advertising and marketing fuel can begin. You have this database of numbers, from people who are genuinely interested in you or your brand, and so you can easily give them information about upcoming events, coupons, helpful facts, and more!

No one misses a text message & that is what is great about the mobile messaging craze. They WILL see the message from you. Text (SMS) messaging can be quite effective if used appropriately.  Text messages need to be timely and actionable.  If Thursday afternoons are slow, you can send out a message on Thursday morning with a timely special offer designed to get customers to respond immediately.

Contact us here at Textus Marketing for help on setting up your SMS campaign, today!