Small Business Media

Posted on February 22, 2016

Largo Social Media Management | Tampa Bay

For personal use, many people understand the value that there is in social media sites. There is no doubt that friends love the chance to catch up and grandparents love seeing photos of their grandkids from afar. We know just how influential these sites are to our everyday lives, but still many businesses don’t know why they need to be a part of it on a professional level.


Here are some striking numbers that should help open your mind:

  • 63% of millennials say they stay updated on brands through social networks
  • 46% of millennials rely on social media when making purchase online
  • 89% of 18-29 year-olds are active on social media
  • Marketers will spend $8.3 billion on social media advertising in 2015
  • 78% of companies now say they have dedicated social media teams

No longer is social media for the companies who are “ahead of the curve.” Now, it is just plain basic marketing strategy to be online with your company.


Do you have questions about how you can set up your online marketing & social media campaigns? Allow us to help! Contact Textus Marketing today!