What Should I Blog About?

Posted on September 20, 2015

Largo SEO Company | Tampa Online Marketing

One of the most commonly asked questions or concerns from businesses who are engaging in an SEO strategy is “What Should I Be Blogging About?” The answer is clear to those of us who have been doing it for a while, but if you are struggling with this questions, we have some advice for you!

Largo SEO

1. Showcase your team/employees!

A businessman once said, ‘A business succeeds not because it is long established or because it is big, but because there are men and women in it who live it, sleep it, dream it, and build great future plans for it’. –John Willard Marriott

2. Write about your services.

3. Allow Guest Posts.

4. Post personal stories/experiences/lessons.


Still need some help or just a copywriter to take the trouble off your hands? We are your online marketing company and are happy to assist! Contact us today!